(Block Themes): Modify Footer in WordPress



Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:

  1. A WordPress site running version 5.9 or higher.
  2. An active Block theme. Popular block themes include Twenty Twenty-Two, Blockbase, and Quadrat.

1. Access the Site Editor

Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard. From there, go to Appearance > Editor. This will open the Site Editor, where you can customize your entire site using blocks.

Block Themes Modify header wordpress Step1

In the Site Editor, you will find various templates and template parts. To modify the footer, click on the Patterns tab, then select Footer. This will open the footer template part in the block editor.

Select the Footer Template Part
  • To open the List View, click on the list view icon at the top left (shortcut: Shift + Alt + O). Here, you will find all the components contained in the Header.
ListView Button
  • Hover over each component, and their positions will be highlighted.
  • Feel free to drag and drop between the components to understand how it works.
play with list view wordpress

You can now start customizing your footer using blocks. Here are some common modifications you might want to make:

  • Add Text Blocks: Use the Paragraph or Heading blocks to add text, such as contact information, disclaimers, or copyright notices.
  • Include Social Icons: The Social Icons block allows you to add links to your social media profiles, providing a way for visitors to connect with you.
  • Insert Widgets: You can add various widgets like Recent Posts, Search, and Categories using the corresponding blocks.
  • Add Navigation Links: Use the Navigation block to include important links, such as Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, or any other crucial pages.
add widget to footer wordpress

5. Save and Publish

Once you’ve made your desired changes, click the Save button in the top-right corner of the editor. Your modifications will be applied to your site’s footer.

save change

6. Preview and Refine

It’s important to preview your changes to ensure they look good on all devices. You can do this by visiting your site and resizing your browser window or using the preview options within the editor.

  • Keep it Organized: Arrange elements in a logical order to help visitors find important information quickly.
  • Consistent Design: Maintain consistency with the rest of your site’s design in terms of colors, fonts, and spacing.
  • Include Essential Information: Ensure that key details such as contact information, social media links, and important navigation links are easily accessible.


Modifying the footer in a block theme is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your WordPress site’s functionality and appearance. By leveraging the block editor, you can create a footer that aligns perfectly with your brand’s identity and provides valuable information to your visitors.

Have you customized your footer using a block theme? Share your experience in the comments below!


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